



g 125 Soft butter
g 1000 Mogador Premium
g 2 Vanilla bourbon
g 450 Whole eggs
Pipe on a greased small silicone ball mold. Then bake, after baking, put it inside the freezer before removing out of the mold. Enrobe with cover decor white at 35-40°C then roll into Dobla Curls White.

Tart Shell
g 450 Cake flour
g 275 Soft butter
g 73 Egg yolk
g 183 Icing sugar
g 2 Salt
Mix the ingredients all together until well mixed, rest inside the chiller for about 1 hour, roll the dough at 3 mm then arrange inside the tart shell, then pipe Cuki Crème Gianduja inside the tart shell, bake at 180°C for 15-20 min until fully baked. Let it cool. Then pipe some cream to stick the snowball on the top of the tart. Decorate with Dobla Pearl Red.


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