Inspiration for Icecream

It's almost summer, which means it's time for ice cream! For this, we've created this special inspiration page filled with all kinds of indulging, instagrammable ice creams made by our chefs.


Maurits van der Vooren

What better way to decorate black ice cream than with Black and white diamonds?

Mini diamond crown black

77391 - 180 pcs

Bart de Gans

A quick and easy way to decorate soft serve is with our colorful Spots pastel.

Vanilla pod

77310 - 48 pcs

Mini diamond paviljon white

77393 - 120 pcs

Turitella dark XL

71110 - ±50 pcs

Chocolate strawberry

77315 - 36 pcs


If you want to see even more indulging ice creams, give our brochure a look and get all the inspiration you need to create exciting, instagrammable ice cream with our chocolate decorations.

Download it here.

Petit love

77376 - 80 pcs

Michel Willaume

The Soft serve on cotton candy is inspired by the Milk Train in London. If you are ever in the neighborhood, go take a look and be inspired